Amos Tversky
(5 articles)1944
Utility Function
Mathematical tool utilized in AI to model preferences and calculate the best decision based on expected outcomes.
Generality: 830
Uncertainty Reduction
A process in AI by which systems manage and diminish uncertainty in predictions and decisions to improve performance and reliability.
Generality: 830
Decision-making system where multiple experts provide their opinions or solutions, and the consensus or most supported option is chosen.
Generality: 675
Principle of Rationality
The assumption that an AI agent will act in a way that maximizes its expected utility based on its understanding of the environment.
Generality: 775
System 1 & System 2
'Two modes of thinking in human cognition: System 1 is fast, automatic, and intuitive, while System 2 is slow, deliberate, and analytical.'
Generality: 575