VLM (Visual Language Model)

AI models designed to interpret and generate content by integrating visual and textual information, enabling them to perform tasks like image captioning, visual question answering, and more.

VLMs are a pivotal advancement in AI, merging the capabilities of computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) to create systems that can understand and generate multimodal content. These models leverage large-scale datasets containing image-text pairs to learn the complex relationships between visual elements and their linguistic descriptions. Techniques such as masked-language modeling (MLM) and image-text matching (ITM) are crucial for aligning specific parts of images with corresponding text during the training phase, thus enabling VLMs to perform a wide array of tasks. This includes but is not limited to visual question answering, image captioning, and visual commonsense reasoning. The training of VLMs involves pre-training on large multimodal datasets followed by fine-tuning on task-specific datasets oai_citation:1,A Dive into Vision-Language Models oai_citation:2,Generalized Visual Language Models | Lil'Log oai_citation:3,Unlocking the Power of Vision-Language Models: Understanding Their Mechanisms and Overcoming Challenge.

Historical overview: The concept of VLMs has evolved significantly with the advent of large-scale language models and advancements in computer vision technologies. Though the integration of vision and language in AI systems dates back several years, the current form of VLMs began to gain prominence around the early 2020s with models like CLIP and DALL·E from OpenAI, highlighting the potential of multimodal learning.

Key contributors: The development of VLMs has been a collaborative effort among various research institutions and tech companies. OpenAI with CLIP and DALL·E, Google with their various contributions to multimodal learning, and academic researchers have all played significant roles in pushing the boundaries of what VLMs can achieve. The architecture and training methods for VLMs continue to evolve, with contributions from across the AI research community oai_citation:4,A Dive into Vision-Language Models oai_citation:5,Generalized Visual Language Models | Lil'Log oai_citation:6,Unlocking the Power of Vision-Language Models: Understanding Their Mechanisms and Overcoming Challenge.