
Methods and practices used to reduce or eliminate biases in AI systems, aiming to make the systems more fair, equitable, and representative of diverse populations.

De-biasing in AI is a critical process aimed at addressing and mitigating biases that arise in machine learning models, which can stem from biased training data, algorithmic biases, or societal stereotypes embedded within the data or the model's decision-making processes. This process is vital for preventing AI from perpetuating or even amplifying existing inequalities and discrimination in various applications, such as hiring, lending, law enforcement, and healthcare. Effective de-biasing strategies can include diverse data collection, bias detection and measurement techniques, algorithmic fairness approaches, and continuous monitoring and updating of AI systems to address biases as they are identified. De-biasing is not only a technical challenge but also involves ethical considerations, requiring interdisciplinary approaches that include insights from social sciences, ethics, and law.

Historical overview: Concerns over biases in AI systems gained prominence in the mid-2010s, as the widespread adoption of AI in critical decision-making processes made the consequences of biased AI more apparent. The need for de-biasing has been increasingly recognized as part of responsible AI development and governance.

Key contributors: While many researchers and organizations contribute to the field of de-biasing, it is a collective effort involving interdisciplinary teams across academia, industry, and regulatory bodies. Organizations such as the Algorithmic Justice League, founded by Joy Buolamwini, and initiatives like Google's AI Ethics team play significant roles in advocating for and developing de-biasing techniques.