
Process of ensuring that an AI system's goals and behaviors are consistent with human values and ethics.

The concept of alignment in AI is crucial for the development of systems that are not only powerful and effective but also safe and beneficial to humanity. It involves designing AI models and algorithms in such a way that their actions can be trusted to align with human ethical principles, societal norms, and individual preferences. This challenge becomes increasingly significant as AI systems grow more autonomous and capable, raising concerns about unintended consequences, ethical dilemmas, and control. The alignment problem encompasses technical, philosophical, and practical aspects, including the establishment of robust and interpretable AI goals, the mitigation of value misalignment through iterative learning and feedback, and the development of mechanisms for AI systems to understand and adapt to complex human values over time.

Historical overview: The concept of AI alignment gained prominence in the 21st century, especially as advancements in machine learning and AI capabilities accelerated around the 2010s. Early discussions around the safety and ethical implications of AI hinted at alignment issues, but it was the rapid progress in AI research and applications that brought it to the forefront of AI ethics and safety discussions.

Key contributors: While many researchers contribute to the field of AI alignment, notable figures include Nick Bostrom, who has extensively written on the implications of superintelligent AI and the importance of alignment, and Eliezer Yudkowsky, known for his work on rationality and AI safety. Organizations like the Future of Humanity Institute (FHI), the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), and OpenAI have also played significant roles in advancing research and awareness on AI alignment issues.